Tuesday 26 May 2015

14 Ways to green the classroom

Go eco-friendly on World Environment Day - 5 June

Children are often more aware than adults about the importance of being planet-friendly, and the need to conserve scarce and precious natural resources. Many, however, don’t know which steps to take. Here are some practical and easy ideas from JoJo Tanks to take to school for a greener classroom:

1. Start recycling of paper, plastic and metal in the classroom, and motivate the entire school to participate.

2. Choose reusable packaging and a reusable BPA free water bottle for your lunch box, rather than throwaway plastic bottles.

3. Arrange a recycling day on World Environment Day at your school and encourage everyone to bring their recyclable waste from home.

4. Ask the science teacher to dedicate time on World Environment Day to show everyone how to make your own eco-friendly cleaners from vinegar and water.

5. Plant an indigenous tree outside the classroom for nature on your doorstep and a much cooler classroom.  (A great activity for World Environment Day on June 5.)

6. Grow a few indoor plants in your classroom. They’re not only nature's air filters; they also absorb computer radiation and airborne pollutants, and provide oxygen and cooler air. Winter is a great time to add a few plants because research indicates that indoor plants significantly reduce fatigue and incidences of cold-related ailments like sore throats and coughs.

7. Start a wormbin in your classroom for all the lunch waste.

8. Create a school veggie garden – a fun and educational way to learn about the pleasures of growing and eating fresh, local, organic food.

9. Get rid of disposable pens and pencils, and opt for refillable pens made from recycled plastic or biodegradable plastic, and select pencils made from sustainably harvested wood.

10. When printing, make sure it is double-sided, and use the ‘less ink’ options for all but the most important printing.

11. Use the energy saving settings on your computer.

12. Check for leaks in taps and report to the school management. It’s an easy way to reduce water wastage. One leaking tap can waste more than 2000 litres a month.

13. Put plastic bottles filled with pebbles or sand in the toilet tanks to reduce flushing water.

14. Lobby school management to have a JoJo rainwater-harvesting tank installed at your school.

Press release by Riana Greenblo Communications on behalf of JoJo Tanks.

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